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Research Thesis Topic

Tractor automation – infield human interaction

Topic ID:

Thesis Topic/Title:
Tractor automation – infield human interaction


Automated tractors are the near future and related technologies have been wide researched for the last few years. Machine vision based navigation is an emerging research filed especially for tractors in agriculture farms where unexpected obstacles (humans, animals etc.) are very common. This project mainly focus on using LiDAR, depth camera and other vison based sensing techniques for developing and optimising algorithms for automated navigation of tractors in the field for expected and unexpected obstacles.

Principal Supervisor

Associate Supervisors

Research Affiliations
  • National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture

Field of Research
  • Agriculture, Land and Farm Management
  • Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Available Academic Programs
  • Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)

Application Open Date

Application Close Date

USQ Scholarship Applications

Pre-approved for Ethics
Not Applicable

Admission Requirements

Please review the admission requirements for the academic program associated with this Thesis Topic

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